Inform stakeholders about any project milestones you announce and distribute progress reports or feedback and suggestions you solicit. This will help to reduce confusion, increase engagement, and facilitate an immediate resolution of problems. The first step is to identify your stakeholders and determining their personal requirements and expectations. This can be achieved through surveys, stakeholder meetings and participation in conference calls, monitoring conversations on social media, and so on. These data will help you determine how often you communicate with every group and what information they need.

Meetings are a great method of sharing project information with stakeholders and provide the opportunity to discuss concerns or questions and to brainstorm ideas. It is crucial to hold regular meetings, like bi-weekly or monthly and invite all the stakeholders. Additionally, a project website or portal may be used to share important documents and provide updates to the stakeholders.

If you’re dealing with a large number of stakeholders, it might be difficult to interact with them all individually. In these situations, a presentation is the ideal method to keep stakeholders informed. Video presentations can be recorded and shared online so that they are easily accessible to all the stakeholders. This is also a great option for remote teams. Utilizing a project management program that lets you tag the stakeholders according to policy areas (such as Quorum) can assist you in creating targeted posts for particular groups of stakeholders and then send them the information they require to stay current.

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